President Biden cuts tax barriers on solar panel imports, while US manufacturers catch up
Tariffs designed to keep out Chinese solar panels are relaxed for two years
Tariffs designed to keep out Chinese solar panels are relaxed for two years
Five localities of the Lonesome Pine Regional Industrial Facilities Authority undercut Loudoun and Henrico
Now Idaho's Governor has to sign it off
Proposals on land, equipment and electricity taxes await the decision of the House
The initiative comes amid backlash over the mammoth tax breaks for the company's NYC headquarters
It’s not true love if you have to pay for it
The announcement suggests high confidence in open source cloud technologies
Legislators blink first in Switch’s game of brinksmanship
New rules for long term tax abatement could help Apple’s Mesa development
Council Bluffs expansion receives green light after the company secures $19.8 million in tax breaks
Job creation and investment requirements propel previously vetoed measure
Data centers now exempt from possible ‘brand tax’
Local tax hasn’t proved taxing for recently-bought data center operator
Cloud giant wants to be free of Oregon’s brand tax threat
Oregon senators in crisis talks to end self imposed tax blockade