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Conectando a la comunidad de TI de hiperescala y empresarial para desplegar hardware de TI escalable y eficiente para cargas de trabajo impulsadas por IA

Las cargas de trabajo de IA están transformando fundamentalmente la infraestructura de TI, exigiendo mayores densidades, potencia de procesamiento y redes.

La serie de eventos DCD>Connect | Compute ayuda a los profesionales que enfrentan este desafío a tomar decisiones informadas más rápido, a través de networking personalizado, descubrimiento tecnológico y el intercambio de mejores prácticas.

En Cancún, se unirá a más de 200 líderes en infraestructura de TI, IA y HPC, de los sectores de hiperescala y empresarial, quienes compartirán su visión sobre el hardware que impulsa el futuro de la computación.

Descubra más sobre la experiencia de Compute

Asisto a DCD>Connect todos los años y animo a mis colegas a que también lo hagan. Las interacciones con profesionales de la industria son inigualables. Logro más en dos días en este evento que en seis meses de llamadas telefónicas y reuniones online.

Associate Director, Verizon

  • 3 eventos co-located
  • +60 ponentes expertos
  • +200 líderes en infraestructura de TI, IA y HPC
  • Soluciones prácticas para los principales desafíos actuales

    Nuestros expertos de ediciones anteriores en Compute & Storage:

    Alberto Indacochea

    Alberto Indacochea

    Director de Inteligencia Artificial, IBM

    David McCall

    VP of Innovation, QTS Data Centers


    David McCall

    VP of Innovation, QTS Data Centers

    David McCall is the VP of Innovation for QTS Data Centers. He is responsible for building teams, setting strategic goals, and serving as an evangelist for one of largest and fastest growing data center service providers in the United States. He has more than 14 years of solutions engineering experience in the data center, telecommunications, and internet technology industries.

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    Eduardo Loyo

    Eduardo Loyo

    Gerente de Integración e Infraestructura Técnica, Microsoft

    John Hawkins

    Global Cloud Data Center Real Estate Lead, IBM

    John Hawkins - IBM.jpg

    John Hawkins

    Global Cloud Data Center Real Estate Lead, IBM

    John Hawkins is the IBM Global Data Center Strategy and Planning Lead. John brings over 20 years and $3B of leasing experience in the data center and commercial real estate fields. John is best known for his work at Telx, where he was the Director of Global Real Estate & Data Center Expansions. During his years at Telx, John expanded the data center portfolio over seven hundred percent and negotiated over $1B+ in leases, leading to the acquisition of Telx by Digital Realty for $1.9 billion. Prior to Telx, John was Vice President of Real Estate and Data Center Logistics at Exenet Technologies, where he was responsible for the complete ownership of a multi-country facility build-out.  Earlier in his career, John was Vice President of International Operations & Real Estate at The Matlen Silver Group, where he opened operations in India and Trinidad.  

    John earned his Masters of Real Estate at New York University.

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    Livio Silva

    Principal Technology Strategist Américas, Red Hat


    Livio Silva

    Principal Technology Strategist Américas, Red Hat

    Livio Silva is Principal Technology Strategist LATAM working in the Red Hat Americas Telco team. Livio is a senior professional with 25 years of experience in the IT and Telecommunications sector. Joined Red Hat August 2020 to lead the solutions strategist of Telco Solutions for Latin America and worked at NOKIA for 14 years before joining Red Hat. He is a commercial and technical Telco market specialist with a very good knowledge of Communications Service Providers in Latin America. He also worked in Siemens before Nokia. In Red Hat he participated in relevant projects in Tier One customer in the NFVI and Cloud Native Horizontal Hybrid Cloud projects and Network Transformation Customers Journey.

    In his current role in Red Hat he leads all interaction of Red Hat about Telco Containers Cloud, 5G Core, Edge Clouds Data centers and Open RAN with all principal Latin America mobile, cloud and fixed operators. His areas of focus include Open Hybrid Cloud, Artificial Intelligence, Edge Use Cases, 5G and Open RAN, Sustainability approaches and OpenShift for Telco and Edge Computing Telco use cases.

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    Miguel Barajas

    Miguel Barajas

    Senior Technical Solutions Architect for Data Centers and Cloud LATAM, Cisco

    Nicolás Estefanell

    Nicolás Estefanell

    Technology Consulting & Implementation Services, Kyndryl

    Santiago Cardona

    Santiago Cardona

    Managing Director - Hispanic LatAm Region, Intel Corp

    Ueric Melo

    Privacy & Security Awareness Manager, LATAM and Caribbean, Genetec

    ueric melo genetec

    Ueric Melo

    Privacy & Security Awareness Manager, LATAM and Caribbean, Genetec

    Tiene 27 años de experiencia en el área de Tecnología de la Información, siendo 22 de estos años en la industria de la seguridad (seguridad física e informática).

    Graduado en Procesamiento de Datos con extensión en Conformidad Digital. Certificado como DPO (Data Protection Officer) por EXIN.

    Actualmente, Ueric Melo es responsable por P&DP (Privacidad y Protección de Datos) y Ciberseguridad para la región de América Latina y el Caribe en Genetec, es miembro del Comité Avanzado de Seguridad en APDADOS (Asociación Nacional de Profesionales de Privacidad de Datos), miembro del Comité Estratégico de Cumplimiento en AMCHAM (Cámara Americana de Comercio) y membro del IDCiber (Instituto de Defensa Cibernética de Brasil).

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