How to cut water usage in cloud data centers
It's time to turn the tide
It's time to turn the tide
But they are standing very still
On-demand pricing lets cloud customers consume what they need, but costs can spiral out of control
A lot of objections to cloud applications are out of date
Online gaming doesn’t just require reliable infrastructure, it must offer superfast latency, low packet loss and so much more, argues Iron Mountain’s Sander Deutekom
Physical infrastructure can maximize value in both hosted and on-premises it environments
Why utility computing will help IT shift gears
Reducing costs and carbon emissions are both crucially important
How to guard your enterprise against cloud outages
While we're all talking cloud repatriation, some are still working on the way in
The operational and economic benefits of automating your cloud
Today’s data economy requires it
More data center managers would consider moving mission-critical workloads to a public cloud provider if visibility of operational resiliency improved
Lines are becoming blurred between cloud and data center, writes Panduit's Michael Akinla, while organizations have found out that cloud isn't always the most cost-effective option
Those with ERP systems on IBM Power systems are often reluctant to make the move
APAC has proven its resilience and reputation as a digitalization machine with its nations understanding the importance of technology and embracing it wholeheartedly
It's not that simple. Here are the details...
When cloud applications suddenly become important, they don't magically get more reliable
Is it time to prune your supplier portfolio?
If regulators move on from scrutinizing privacy to policing the cloud, users could benefit
We are still years from the tipping point when everything goes to the cloud
With containerization, edge and serverless computing in the mix, it will be a standout year
Comparing the total cost of AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
As you start to migrate data and associated technology across different clouds, you need to employ a three-step process to understand how each piece is performing
24 proven steps to reduce your cloud waste and optimize spend
How the data center must play its part in providing a secure marketplace for growth
There are some key attributes and offerings that channel organizations should be looking for from cloud service providers
Moving data from on-premises to the public cloud, sometimes one must move it back again