Air cooling will never go away
We need liquid cooling, but it won’t replace air
We need liquid cooling, but it won’t replace air
Fourteen years after apparent proof that warmer is better, colocation companies are still struggling to turn their cooling systems down
It’s said that snow gives you two options: shovel or make snow angels. Now you have a third choice: cool your data center
Two-phase liquid cooling has finally arrived. Vendors are making purpose-built liquid cooled servers
A land-based farm has finally produced plate-sized lobsters- thanks to a data center
Data centers used to be uniform. Today there are many different kinds of facilities - and an array of techniques to keep them cool
Free cooling can improve some measures of efficiency, but tropical countries may be better off looking at where their power comes from
Data centers are failing too often because the root causes of those failures are being kept secret
A typical data center drains an Olympic-sized swimming pool every two days. Is that a problem?
Is it really a good idea to add a water factor to power efficiency measures?
Cooling with liquid can be more efficient
To weather the summer heat better, your data center should warm up, says Intel’s Jeff Klaus
Kick back, get an ice cream, and let’s talk about how to handle cooling in your data center.
Research says IT equipment can run warmer, but data centers aren’t raising temperature to save money
Yahoo’s patented system develops free-cooling principles farmers have used for generations
Certification aims to make the world’s data centers more efficient
Why does the European Union need six data center efficiency projects?
Delta CIO Yikuan Li shows us his Shanghai data center