The virtual conference for the multi-tenant data center ecosystem

How are colo operators around the world keeping up with unprecedented demand for more MegaWatts?


Originally planned as a live event in the heart of “data center alley”, perhaps the world’s most important colocation hubs, the inaugural and much anticipated DCD>Virginia conference is going virtual in 2020. We've created an immersive virtual conference experience that democratises our content and allows the world to join in and make new connections. Major topics that we'll be discussing include:

  • Will the worldwide halt in construction impact availability in years to come?
  • How have ‘shelter-in-place’ mandates and teleworking changed the course of site operations?
  • What are the unintended consequences of non-stop growth?
  • Is the colocation industry immune to the financial perils exacerbated by COVID-19?

.....and much more. Broadcasting on December 1-3, DCD>Virginia will bring together the major players from the multi-tenant data center ecosystem to discuss the future in-front of and with an anticipated audience of more than 2,000 professionals from around the world.

  • Thought Leaders

  • Knowledge Partners

  • Associate Partners

  • Industry Partners

Watch sessions on-demand

Your DCD virtual conference experience

  • Icon learn Learn from a conference agenda packed with industry experts
  • icon-interact Interact through live Q&A, instant polls and social media
  • icon-network Network with your peers on our AI-driven 1-2-1 meeting platform
  • icon-exchange Exchange ideas and knowledge with our virtual roundtables

Speakers include:

  • leadership-matt-vanderzanden.jpg
    Matt VanderZanden Chief Strategy Officer, Stack Infrastructure
  • adil attlassy compass data center
    Adil Attlassy Chief Technology Officer, Compass Datacenters
  • Lee Kestler.jpeg
    Lee Kestler Chief Commercial Officer, Vantage Data Centers
  • eric.jpg
    Erich Sanchack CEO, Salute Mission Critical
  • BuddyRizer, New Headshot, 180
    Buddy Rizer Executive Director, Loudoun County Department of Economic Development
  • ali-greenwood_3240.png
    Ali Greenwood Executive Director - Global Data Center Advisory Group, Cushman and Wakefield
  • Stan Blackwell.jpeg
    Stan Blackwell Director - Customer Solutions & Strategic Partnerships, Dominion Energy
  • Claudia2.jpg
    Claudia Massey Global Vice President of Business Operations - Cloud and Service Provider Segment, Schneider Electric (Life Is On)
  • Andrea_Munoz.2e16d0ba.fill-20 cyrusone crop.jpg
    Andrea Munoz SVP, Operations and Customer Success, CyrusOne
  • Travis_Wright QTS mono lead.jpg
    Travis Wright Vice President - Energy and Sustainability, QTS Data Centers
  • mark-porter.jpg
    Mark Porter Director, Supply Chain & International Collaboration, Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA)
  • Chris Moon
    Chris Moon Managing Director, DigitalBridge
More speakers

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Registered delegates from the buy-side ecosystem can now connect with other professionals on our easy to use virtual networking platform. If you want to meet new people and gain the types of valuable insights you only get talking to people who share similar challenges, then this is the virtual alternative to meeting at a physical event.

  • Join roundtables discussions after each conference session
  • Arrange 1-2-1 meetings with our expert speakers and other delegates
  • Meet new people with virtual speed networking

The COVID-19 pandemic is radically changing how professionals now access the knowledge and networking they previously got at industry events.

Here are just some of the companies that are regularly represented at our North American events. Registered delegates can see who will be coming this year on the platform.

  • Colo & MTDC Providers

  • Cloud Providers

  • Telco & ISP Provider

  • Colo & MTDC Providers

  • DCD is an invaluable source for both thought leadership, the introduction of cutting edge ideas and simply for developing new business opportunities.

    Rick Einhorn, EYP Mission Critical Facilities
  • DCD sets the bar for high quality data center industry events, networking and knowledge-sharing.

    Oman N Elissa, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • DCD does a great job at putting together an event that enables us to share some of our perspectives but also to be able to get feedback from people.

    Kevin Brown, Schneider Electric

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