Roundtable discussions
Want to share your views?

Join the debate alongside your peers from across the MTDC ecosystem! Throughout DCD>Virginia, we'll be hosting a series of virtual roundtables chaired by dedicated industry experts to discuss some of the key data center design and management challenges operators face today and give you the chance to collaborate on the direction of the colocation industry.
Topics under discussion at DCD>Virginia include:
- How prepared is the industry for a cyber attack? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Cybersecurity & layer one network monitoring – are you and your clients protected?"
- Are you suffering from (un)structured data overload? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Predictive analytics: Creating actionable intelligence through swarms of data"
- How has the pandemic changed your approach to data center operations? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel: Are you and your clients operationally ready for the second wave?"
- How can you work with the grid more effectively? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Strengthening your DC ecosystem; resilience in the supply chain"
- Are VA’s data centers ready to go carbon-neutral? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel: Will Northern Virginia ever be green enough?"
- What worries you most about building at scale? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Building hyperscale at superspeed: how is modular and pre-fab evolving? "
- Is your location entitled to credits and incentives? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel discussion: When building a billion-dollar campus, can a Tier 4 location be as valuable as a Tier 1 market?"
Brought to you by Altus Group
- What are you building at the edge? Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "How are colocation providers innovating to manage the cloud at the ‘far edge’?"