Peter M. Curtis
CEO, PMC Group IPeter Curtis is the founder of PMC Group I, LLC, an engineering, research, technology, education, energy and analytics company formed in 1998. He graduated New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) with a Bachelors Degree in Electro-Mechanical Computer Technology. Peter received his Master of Science Degree in Energy Management from NYIT in 1994. Peter has over thirty years of experience working in the mission critical engineering industry in the areas of banking and finance, defense, electric and water utilities, transportation, energy management and education.
September 11, 2001 is a deeply personal event for Peter Curtis. Standing at the WTC Tower 1 security checkpoint as the first plane hit, he witnessed the tragedy first-hand and was trapped by wreckage in a neighbouring building. Since that day, he has devoted himself to the protection of critical infrastructure and to the defense of public safety and our country’s assets. Peter’s company, PMC Group I, and its subsidiaries PMC Consulting and PMC Technology, is the platform for his life’s work and employs a comprehensive business model focused on education, engineering, and innovation.
Peter is author of 'Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment', published by Wiley Press and is the originator of 'Fundamentals of Mission Critical Infrastructure (FMCI)', a 16-part e-learning program designed to teach individuals the disciplines of data center design and operations.