Liquid cooling - still in the pipeline
There’s plenty of types of liquid cooling, but still no flood of users
There’s plenty of types of liquid cooling, but still no flood of users
Dell’s Triton takes on HP’s Apollo in a cooling technology battle from Mount Olympus
Microsoft has said it will go beyond today’s purchase agreements, to actually using more renewable energy. Is this realistic?
ASHRAE believes it can get a worthwhile efficiency standard out this summer, but there are issues to discuss
Edge networks have a harder time using renewables than centralized facilities
The real secret to data center success is the people involved
Google is expanding its public cloud but, is it putting on regions fast enough?
The open-source hardware coming out of OCP is rewriting the rule book for data centers, says John Laban
Fiber networks are getting more future-proof, thanks to new signal processing and better cabling systems
Telcos are adopting Open Compute standards and pushing them to micro data centers at the edge. There’s a burning need for OCP-ready providers
It seems that data centers can get along better without people inside them