Prince William County Planning Commission has recommended approval of a rezoning application that will allow a new data center campus to be built in the county.

A company called CTP-I LLC, is seeking a special-use permit and amendment to the conditions of a previous rezoning on a 45.46-acre portion of a 64.6-acre parcel for the data center. The rezoning is part of plans to build up to 1 million square feet (92,900 sqm) of data center space, including 60,000 sq ft (5,500 sqm) of offices.

– JCL Consulting

The Village Place Technology Park project would see four two-story data centers, ranging from 114,330 sq ft to 132,750 sq ft built on the site. The total project is predicted to require 210MW.

InsideNova reports that the Commission voted 6-2 on Wednesday to recommend approval of the plans.

The site is outside PWC’s Data Center Opportunity Zone Overlay District; 10,000 acres designated to support data centers. The site was previously approved as a mixed-use town center, Village Place at Gainesville but only a portion of the residential development has been constructed.

CTP-I LLC is registered through Corporation Services Company, a company that data center organizations often use to obfuscate their involvement in projects.