Microsoft has filed to build a new data center in Manassas, Northern Virginia.
In a filing with the US Army Corps of Engineers, the company has proposed to construct a data center to be known as MNZ01 Balls Ford Road Data Center.
The project, located on Balls Ford Road and east of Jacksonville Avenue in Prince William County, would include two three-story buildings – MNZ01 and MNZ02 – as well as internal roads, parking, a pump station, an electric power substation, and stormwater facility on a 40-acre site. Further facility specifications or timelines weren't included in the filing.
The Army Corps notes that the project would impact 523 feet of stream and 1.56 acres of forested wetlands. The window to comment on the application has closed.
The company spent $29 million acquiring 46 acres at 11314 Balls Ford Road in 2020.
The company has a number of data centers across Northern Virginia in Fairfax, Prince William, and Loudoun Counties.
Last year the company acquired 92.6 additional acres of potential data center land in Prince William County in Bristow; an 83-acre acquisition off Devlin Road for $83.84 million and a 9.6-acre purchase near the corner of Wellington Road and Piney Branch Lane for $11.25 million.
The company has two Azure cloud regions in Virginia – East and East 2 – as well as two government-dedicated zones known as US DoD East and US Gov Virginia.