Indian markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is planning to build a new data center as part of its new private cloud strategy.
In its 2019-2020 report, the regulator said it was in the process of implementing a “large-scale tier 3+ data center” at its SEBI Bhavan II location in Mumbai. It says the facility is expected to be implemented in 2020-2021 and aims to consolidate infrastructure from other data centers in Mumbai in the new facility.
SEBI said it also adopting a new private cloud strategy going forward, and the infrastructure for this will be hosted in the new facility.
“The proposed private cloud solution will be the enabling technology which will be scalable, interoperable, and elastic and support big data analytics. Going forward, the private cloud solution will provide infrastructure, storage, and computing capacity to many existing and upcoming projects. This will help SEBI to bring large parts of its IT infrastructure under one umbrella of the SEBI private cloud,” said the report. “The consolidation of all hardware will increase manageability of server-side hardware, result in better turn-around time and continued service.”
Government of Assam also building new data center
Elsewhere in India, the Government of Assam has completed construction on a new data center in the city of Guwahati. The 232.40 crores ($35.75 million) Assam State Data Center (SDC) will reportedly house ICT assets of various Departments within the state and provide secure provisioning & hosting option for government data as well as disaster recovery and cloud hosting infrastructure.
Services and data due to be hosted at the SDC include Secure Central Data Repository of the State, Core Application Servers, and Service Delivery Gateway, Citizen Information/Services Portal, State Intranet Portal, Remote Management and Service Integration facility. An operator for the facility has not yet been chosen.