Thank you everyone for joining us at DCD>Critical Power Virtual.

We can't run the world's largest virtual events for the data center industry without you, our viewers, or our business partners. Remember you can access our virtual networking application to connect with speakers and other delegates, and access all the presentations on-demand.

This has been another fantastic virtual event. Make sure you check our summer calendar for all the virtual events we'll be running in 2020. One final thank you to everyone who listened in over the past three days - the feedback has been phenomenal.

Hello and welcome to the final day of the DCD>Critical Power Virtual Live Blog. My name is Shaun, Content Marketing Specialist here at DCD and I'll be covering all three days' worth of content from the industry's largest virtual events.

I'll be posting content, links, and listening in on discussions happening in the social sphere as the day goes on. Make sure you follow us on Twitter @dcdnews and use the hashtag #DCDPower to join in on the discussion. Remember, if you're a registered delegate you can access our dedicated networking platform to connect with other delegates and speakers - it's 100% free.

Bruce Edwards - Liveblog Card.jpg

2:40PM EDT // 7:40PM BST

"Every operator can select a renewable energy source as an option through renewable energy credit. There's no excuse for any operator not doing so at this point."

Bruce sharing is opinion on renewable energy options.

Corinne DiDomenico - Liveblog Card.jpg

2:39PM EDT // 7:39PM BST

"Renewable energy is an option today, and will become even more of a reality... today in New York, we already have nearly 27% of the energy supplied by renewables, primarily from hydro which represents about 24% of our supply and the rest is supplied by other renewables including wind."

Corinne demonstrating how renewables are very much present, and will only become more prevalent.

"On Tuesday, Governor Cuomo announced the largest combined clean energy solicitation ever issued. We're looking at up to 4000 megawatts of renewable energy to combat climate change"

Ahmed Mousa - Liveblog Card.jpg

2:35PM EDT // 7:35PM BST

"Energy storage is the enabler."

Important point from Ahmed on the role of storage when it comes to a renewable mix. Peaks and ebbs in supply and demand needs to be balanced by effective and monitored storage options.

Renewables screengrab.JPG

Bruce Edwards - Liveblog Card.jpg

2:25PM EDT // 7:25PM BST

"The goal is to improve the utility operating environment in general."

Great quotes from Bruce on the importance of collaboration with utility providers.

1:47PM EDT // 6:47PM BST

Thanks to our panellists for another great Tech Showcase. Remember you can access all their presentations and resources by accessing the session on-demand.

CPV - Day 3 Session 7.jpg

Up next, and our last session of DCD>Critical Power Virtual is a discussion on the role energy diversification can play in helping to build organizational resilience.

Calvin Nicholson - Liveblog Card.jpg

1:41PM EDT // 6:41PM BST

Thank you very much to Calvin for that fantastic overview. Make sure to get in touch with Calvin and the team using the dedicated networking app.

Alex St. John - Liveblog Card.jpg

1:24PM EDT // 6:24PM BST

A big thanks to Alex for joining us this evening, make sure you get in touch with Alex and the team at Starline if you have any further questions.

Angela Garner - Liveblog Card.jpg

1:14PM EDT // 6:14PM BST

Another fantastic look at some great technology, thank you Angela for that cover of Vertiv’s key offerings.

10:54AM EDT // 3:54PM BST

Thank you to Adam and Quoc for a great overview of achieving carbon neutrality. Connect with them both, and access their presentation with the links below.

After our networking break, we’re back with a Tech Showcase. Make sure you tune in to get the full scope of what's on offer:

Q Pham - Liveblog Card.jpg

11:32AM EDT // 4:32PM BST

"It optimises the assets that to be dispatched... having an algorithm that can come up with the best resource to dispatched it a big thing missing in the microgrid today."

Great overview from Quoc on hybrid approaches.

Adam Rajewski - Liveblog Card.jpg

11:18AM EDT // 4:18PM BST

"[These engines] can replace emergency diesels."

Running solutions in an environmentally sustainable way has multiple benefits, including replacing more outdated systems.

10:53AM EDT // 3:53PM BST

Thank you to Tom for a great look at microgrids and some insightful case studies. Connect with Tom and access the presentation on-demand with the links below:

CPV Day 3 - Session 5.jpg

Next up, and last session before our networking break is a look at achieving carbon neutrality with gas engines and battery storage.

10:23AM EDT // 3:23PM BST

$700,000 per outage is a lot of money. Tom is covering capacity factors that offset these loses somewhat.

Capacity in power.JPG

10:10AM EDT // 3:10PM BST

A fantastic visual overview of the benefits of microgrid solutions

Microgrid Overview.JPG

10:00AM EDT // 3:00PM BST

That wraps up another great session, make sure you use the resources below - thanks to our great panellists.

Tom Drake - Liveblog Card.jpg

Starting now is a presentation on improving microgrid design for efficiency and resiliency:

Lex Coors - Liveblog Card.jpg

9:43AM EDT // 2:43PM BST

"We learned that immersion was still for a long period of time, not a business feasible solution because the the the cooling means that you were using was first of all expensive. Secondly, it was let's say ageing rather fast, I believe there are no better and new ways to do this."

Robert Thorogood - Liveblog Card.jpg

9:22AM EDT // 2:22PM BST

"Whether you agree with PUE and how it's measured, it's bringing bringing minds together to improve efficiency for data center. It's one downfall if there is such a thing an example in this case, is it really focuses on the mechanical and electrical system. What it doesn't look at is complete IT systems and how they perform and whether there's any intricacies between the mechanical, electrical systems and how the IT systems could work together to improve the efficiency."

Very important summary from Robert.

Robert Thorogood - Liveblog Card.jpg

9:17AM EDT // 2:17PM BST

"Electrical [has] lagged behind [mechanical] on energy efficiency but there have been little things that have changed [like the] efficiency of transformers [which has] improved, especially now we've got the EU directive which covers that"

Electrical Triangle.JPG

8:48AM EDT // 1:48PM BST

Thanks to both Sam & Sean for a really insightful panel. Tidal Power seems like a great option for those who can utilise it effectively. You can connect with Sam & Sean and pitch them questions directly, or access the presentation on-demand by signing up for the session.

CPV - Day 3 Session 3.jpg

Up next, is another panel discussion - this time on the changing psychology of power efficiency. Make sure you're registered using the links below.

Sean Parsons - Liveblog Card.jpg

8:32AM EDT // 1:32PM BST

"We with with our pilots have identified over 90 gigawatts of global exports opportunity. We already look in Europe we have a site in France, obviously, as well as our sites in the UK. "

Huge numbers from Sean! And very promising.

Sean Parsons - Liveblog Card.jpg

8:27AM EDT // 1:27PM BST

"When we first talked about combining tidal [power] with data centers many thought we were mad. But for us, it's the perfect fit. You've got a green, constant and predictable source of power, which can be placed in an abundance of water near international connections."

Very insightful piece from Sean, tidal power is a very ambitious but important step towards 100% renewables.

8:23AM EDT // 1:23PM BST

Fantastic overview from Simec Atlantis and AECOM on how data centers can be ocean-powered.

AECOM Overview Slide.JPG

Sam Mackilligin - Liveblog Card.jpg

8:20AM EDT // 1:20PM BST

"We need lots more renewables. We need the production and conversion technologies to mature and the costs to come down. We're 5 or 10 years away from hydrogen being the replacement for gas and diesel but [tidal] is coming."

8:17AM EDT // 1:17PM BST

Very cool to see renewable technology in the flesh.

"This turbine started its 25 year commercial operation in April 2018, and MeyGen has generated more than 30 Gigawatt hours of electricity since then."


7:53AM EDT // 12:53PM BST

A big thank you to Ed Ansett for kicking off the morning on ARP systems. As George said, get stuck into the networking app to chat with Ed and pitch him your questions. You can also access the presentations on the demand, for free.

CPV Day 3 - Session 2.jpg

Our next panel will talk about how AECOM undertook the feasibility assessment for a double-digit MW data center with unique access to predictable renewable generation and grid back-up. This will be a fantastic panel, make sure you tune in.

7:41AM EDT // 12:41PM BST

"We're not talking about five or 6% saving here, we're talking about 10's of percents."

Large saving numbers from Ed, remember if you have more questions about this use the networking app to connect with Ed and the team from i3.

7:27AM EDT // 12:27PM BST

"One of the great advantages is, of course, if we accept this maxim that we live in a multi SLA environment, what we can do now is we can provide fault tolerance for fault tolerance. In other words, two system fault tolerance."

Key advantage of ARP from Ed.

Ed Ansett - Liveblog Card.jpg

5:15AM EDT // 10:15AM BST

Good Morning! Today is the final day of DCD>Critical Power Virtual. Our first session of the day is a keynote on how ARP enables data center power system redundancy to be easily changed, simultaneously provide multiple redundancy levels, recover unused power capacity and facilitates IT workload load prioritization. Make sure you're registered to get free access to the presentation.