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The virtual conference on the A&NZ data center industry

Tech Showcases: Power distribution monitoring & switchgear

This session took place on October 7, 2020

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Tech Showcases - Power distribution monitoring & switchgear

A series of quick-fire presentations showcasing the latest technologies to drive expansion and innovation in the Australia & New Zealand markets:

E+I Engineering: Intelligent Medium Powerbar: Improving Flexibility and Safety in Data Centre Power Distribution

As global data consumption continues to grow at an exponential rate, organisations must seeking more efficient ways to upscale data centre power capacities in line with consumer demand, or risk revenue losses and compromised safety as a result of overloaded systems. In this session we will discuss how the unique design of E+I Engineering's iMPB Open Channel Busway product increases flexibility and safety of power distribution in the everchanging data centre market; Saving space, time and reducing total cost of ownership in the process.

Legrand: Build to Adapt

Abstract – Data centers have traditionally been built on the foundation of business continuity and more recently on security. Moving forward, data centers have to be agile thereby allowing businesses to adapt to the fast-changing environment. How do data center players bring agility to the infrastructure layer and thereby enable data centers to adapt to changing business requirements as the key to success?

Brought to You by
E+I Engineering Ltd
Legrand APAC