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Explore 100+ hours of free-to-view video interviews, panel discussions and tech showcases to uncover how you can:
- Understand how shifting site selection dynamics and regulation are shaping construction strategies in response to evolving market trends?
- Discover innovations in construction methods and high density data centers.
- Find out about the sector's innovations in construction processes, metric standardization, and alternative power methods, as well as examining the data center's role in supporting local communities in order to meet net-zero targets.
Featured On-Demand Episodes
Upcoming episodes
How to accurately measure embodied carbon in a challenging supply chain
Airing September 26th | 9:00am ET
New reference designs for modular AI
Airing October 24th | 9:00am ET
Rapid expansion in the Middle East - Building sustainably to support high-density workloads
Airing October 24th | 10:00am ET
Tech showcase: Ensure watertight data centers with effective weatherproofing
Airing October 24th | 11:00am ET