Pedro Gomez
Director of NGEU Business, FerrovialPedro Gomez is an Economist and Executive Director leading the development of Digital Infrastructure and Data Center business for Ferrovial, a world-known infrastructure developer and operator. Pedro has 20 years of experience in countries such as Spain, UK, Poland and Australia where he has undertaken roles from Operations Management and Business Development to M&A and Corporate Restructure.
His areas of expertise vary from Infrastructure Services and Energy Efficiency solutions for Infrastructure to Concessions for Public Administration. Along his professional experience, Pedro is an entrepreneur and start-up investor in the energy sector through a drone-based inspection system and a Professor at IE University in Madrid where he teaches at the University of Architecture.
The focus of his activity today is on the Data Centers sector, where Ferrovial is one of the European leaders, having among his clients Hyperscalers, Collocators and Private and Public clients.