Cathal Quinn
Group Commercial Director, Moy MaterialsCathal Quinn was appointed Group Commercial Director with MOY Roof waterproofing system specialists in April of 2019 and is tasked with leading the Group through the commercial landscape. Managing several teams including Sales, Marketing, Product Development, Logistics and Finance, a key element of his role is to define, execute and monitor appropriate sales strategies, business development, marketing, technical operations and sales support programmes to maximise our company’s performance.
Having joined the company in 2005 Quinn has established himself as a key contact within the commercial property and Data Centre environment and is highly experienced at identifying client needs and helping solve issues throughout a project programme.
Embarking on a Master’s in business management, Cathal is confident that the incredible speed and progressive advances in the areas of waterproofing, environment, building cooling, operations, product systems are transforming the building envelope as never before.
The design of the building is complex and requires specialist knowledge throughout the process, MOY are at the forefront of commercial and domestic builds delivering numerous projects with expertise not easily matched from site surveys and specification stages to post completion and warranty.
Cathal is centric in the company, keeping us at the forefront of the Built environment and roofing sector. Constantly assessing system trends and liaising with clients to ensure the project is delivered within agreed specifications, budget and timings.