Bharat B Anand
Chief of Technology, National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of IndiaBharat B Anand is currently working as Chief of Technology with National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Before joining current position, Bharat was working as VP and Head Enterprise Applications with Mphasis. He has 22+ years of experience, worked across geographies globally and industry sectors while holding senior management positions in corporates.
Bharat is a seasoned IT thought leader whose proficiencies include IT Strategy, Governance, Execution, Stakeholder Management etc and uses both contemporary & traditional technologies to deliver ‘transformational’ Business value.
Bharat is an Engineer & MBA with numerous industrial certifications & affiliations to various industry bodies. He is well networked, speaker at national conferences, winner of many Industry accolades and guest faculty.