Telekom Malaysia (TM) has struck an agreement with Maxis that will see the operators share Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure.
Telkom this week confirmed that the agreement enables it to access Maxis' 4G Multi Operator Core Network (MOCN), plus its 4G and 2G domestic roaming services.
TM states that the MOCN deal, which allows different core networks to share the same RAN, will enable it to extend 4G coverage for its Unifi Mobile service to more than 95 percent of the population.
In total, the deal will see Maxis provide approximately 6,800 sites for 4G MOCN and domestic roaming (DR) services plus 10,000 sites for 2G DR.
"We are witnessing an important step in the industry's collaborative efforts towards infrastructure sharing," said Telekom Malaysia group CEO Datuk Imri Mokhtar.
"Our partnership will elevate TM’s 4G mobile proposition to deliver exceptional customer experience for home, SME, and enterprise customers. It will complement our 5G offering, and pave the way for greater innovation and collaboration, to deliver solutions and services for all Malaysians."
As part of its 5G roll-out efforts, last year TM joined the state-founded Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) along with CelcomDigi and YTL. The deal see the operators agreeing to take an equity share in the DNB's shared 5G network.
Maxis initially agreed to join but pulled out noting that it is awaiting a government review of the DNB, before committing to the agreement.
A change in government has led to scrutiny around the DNB's shared 5G network, with the current leadership looking to deploy a second 5G network next year in the country.