A data center previously occupied by Cogent Communications is up for lease in Herndon, Virginia.

Romans Properties and Five 9s Digital are listing 510 Huntmar Park Drive in Fairfax County as available to lease. A listing price wasn’t included.

510 Huntmar Park Drive Herndon
Former Cogent data center up for sale – Google Maps

Sat on 2.1 acres, the single-story facility totals 26,245 sq ft (2,440 sqm). The site includes 15,200 sq ft (1,410 sqm) of raised floor, eight PUDs, 28 CRAC units, and a 1.5MW generator.

Built around 1989, the site is reportedly expandable to 7MW.

The facility was formerly occupied by Cogent Communications for its data center operations. It is listed as vacant and available immediately. It is unclear when Cogent exited the data center.

On its website, Cogent lists another data center in Vienna at 1921 Gallows Rd.

While mainly known as a fiber provider, Cogent offers colocation services from more than 80 facilities across the US. The company has been expanding its data center offerings in recent months after converting dozens of former Sprint switching sites to colocation facilities.

T-Mobile sold its Wireline business to Cogent for just $1 in September 2022. Much of the business sold was Sprint‘s legacy US long-haul fiber network, which T-Mobile had acquired as part of its $26bn merger with Sprint in 2020.

The deal included 19,000 long-haul route miles and 1,300 metro route miles of fiber, as well as more than 40 data centers totaling some 400,000 sq ft (37,160 sqm) of space and a significant real estate footprint totaling 482 technical spaces and switch sites.

By August, Cogent said it aimed to convert the largest 45 sites into colocation data centers. That footprint totaled around 1.3 million sq ft (120,775 sqm) and 160MW, adding to the 55 facilities the company previously operated, totaling 77MW.

In its Q2 2024 quarterly results, the company provided an update on its efforts. Since Q1 2023, the company said it has added 31 data centers to its colocation portfolio, taking the total from 55 to 86. In total, the company said 34 of the 482 technical buildings as part of the Wireline business acquisition have been converted to Cogent data centers to date.