IEC and ISO established a joint technical committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, in which some 4500 experts from around the world produce International Standards for information and communication technologies (ICT) for business and consumer applications. JTC 1 covers 22 key areas, including artificial intelligence, AIDC techniques, biometrics, cards and personal identification, cloud computing, coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information, cyber security, data management and exchange, the Internet of Things (IoT), IT security techniques, programming languages and system software interfaces, virtual reality and more.
JTC 1 standards underpin many of the technologies that are part of daily life. For example, ID cards for accessing buildings or voice command to operate smart systems. Millions of devices, such as medical wearables and smart systems in homes, at work and in public buildings are part of the IoT, which produce data that is transferred, managed and stored and must remain private and secure.
Manufacturing and smart factories are increasingly automated and use AI and IoT technologies to enhance the design, production and operation of products. Retail, hospitals, supply chain management and transport logistics rely on automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies, such as barcodes and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags to track and trace items in real time. This enhances inventory management, products and services, while saving time and costs.