Panel: The data center and the court of public opinion: how can the industry win friends and influence people?
This session took place on September 28, 2022
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Panel: The data center and the court of public opinion: how can the industry win friends and influence people?
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NIMBYISM, moratoriums and climate change are changing the trajectory of data center construction from Ireland to Amsterdam and Singapore.
With local opposition to the building of data centers in some U.S. towns and communities becoming all the more common given fears surrounding the sector’s environmental use of water, power, could building underwater be the answer? And, what lessons can we learn from Europe on how to preempt opposition to data center build and work collaboratively to bring sustainable growth to the sector?
This panel will address how the sector is responding to opposition surrounding data center development, and making vital headway by employing alternative methods for site acquisition, materials use and championing community outreach in the face of a climate emergency.