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The virtual conference for the enterprise data center ecosystem

Tech Showcase - DCIM

This session took place on September 3, 2020

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Day 3, 3_00pm EDT - TS.jpg

Tech Showcase - DCIM

A series of quick-fire presentations showcasing the latest technologies to drive rapid expansion and innovation across data center infrastructure management.

Sunbird: Top 10 KPIs for remote data center and edge site management in the new normal

One of the biggest challenges data center managers face in the “new normal”  is not being able to effectively manage their data center remotely. Managers are now stuck wondering questions like how much capacity do I have? How do I manage moves, adds, and changes with remote hands? How do I ensure power loads don’t exceed capacity and cause downtime while I’m not at the data center? This demo shows how 3D visualization and monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will provide you the answers you need to increase uptime, better utilize capacity, and boost the productivity of people.

FNT GmbH: The Challenge to Master Hybrid Digital Infrastructure. How Enterprise Data Center Infrastructure Management is Changing in the Post-Pandemic World

Digitization strategies and hybrid digital infrastructure pose new challenges that need to be addressed with suitable, agile processes and tools. This became clear in the wake of Covid-19. The need for enterprises to support remote management of data centers and the increasing volume of data moving across networks intensified. Tim Valentine, Director at FNT Software, will use real customer examples to show how enterprises can keep track of both physical and virtual assets.

ABSS: Transparency, Visibility and Accountability for your Global Assets.

Our patented application suite, Site Manager, is a fully integrated platform that manages your physical Infrastructure and its assets - providing visibility into your whitespace and work areas so that you can track, manage and audit multiple sites from a single source of data. You will be able to connect to this data source from your PC, laptop, tablet or smart-phone. In this video, Mike will provide an overview of the software, as well as an explanation of our Enhanced Cable Management system – which links real-time data from switch scans to your cabling and patching records.

Brought to You by
Sunbird Software
FNT Software