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The virtual conference on data center cooling

Tech Showcases - Day Two

This session took place on August 5, 2020

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Tech Showcases - Day Two

A series of quick-fire presentations showcasing the latest technologies and innovations in data center cooling.

1:00pm - Munters SyCool: Efficient, waterless cooling for data centers

Munters SyCool Split is a best-in-class dry cooling solution for data centers. Consisting of an indoor CRAH unit and an external condenser, SyCool Split rejects 400 kW of room load per unit and provides TCO advantages compared to air-cooled chiller solutions. SyCool transfers heat from the data center to ambient using dual R-134a refrigerant, two-phase thermosyphons and requires no pumps, driven solely by gravity and phase change. SyCool Split uses flooded room air delivery and is a great fit for customers looking for a scalable solution capable of accommodating high density, multi-story designs

1:20pm - EkkoSense: Redefining data center optimization

Powerful 3D visualization software makes the real-time monitoring and planning of power, cooling and space a reality and helps unlock significant energy savings and manage risk. This session will show you how data center optimization can be redefined using EkkoSoft’s unique cooling advisory platform.

1:40pm - Vertiv: Edge computing applications small/converted environments

The Vertiv™ VRC-S is a pre-integrated, enclosed micro data center solution designed to be up and running at an edge or other small site in a matter of days. With world-class expertise in large data centers, Vertiv is the most trusted provider of mission-critical IT infrastructure. Our edge-ready solutions matched with our unrivalled service capabilities make Vertiv the trusted choice for IT professionals to manage, protect, and power their distributed IT environment.


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