Mark Bjornsgaard
CEO & Founder, Deep GreenDeep Green https://www.deepgreen.energy/ was incubated by System Two Group, a VC Mark founded before stepping into CEO duties. System Two has built a fanatical following with its hypothesis driven approach and grew numerous businesses from scratch to scale including Lifted https://www.liftedcare.com/ (Senior care - a JV with British Gas), Altogether https://altogetherdental.com/ (US healthcare, JV with GSK) and Secret Source https://www.secret-source.eu/ (augmented tech teams, Europe). Mark was a founding investor in Elmo https://elmodrive.com/ (EV subscriptions sold to BCA group) and is an investor in Caldera https://www.caldera.co.uk/ (Heat Batteries, Europe), Colibri https://www.colibriteams.com/ (augmented tech teams, US) and NewChange FX https://www.newchangefx.com/ (real time FX data). He sits on the board of Optect https://www.optect.com/ (AI flame detection) and Ctl-Alt https://www.ctrl-alt.co/ (FCA registered fractional ownership). In the early 00s he was the co-founder of Artists First - the legendary music software platform which helped transform the industry from CDs to digital downloads. He holds a number of other board positions and previously consulted to a range of FTSE 100s on M&A strategy and innovation.