Ian Dover PhD FAICD
METS IgnitedIan spent his early career as a metallurgist in international copper mining and integrated aluminium corporations in Australia, Canada and Norway. He has developed extensive international business experience and is regularly called by boards and executive teams wishing to capitalise on opportunities for growth through innovation. His success in business comes from his broad experience encompassing corporate governance, business turnarounds and technology commercialisation across a range of companies, not-for-profit organisations, universities and Australia’s CSIRO.
He has participated in a number of startups, twice chaired a chronic disease NFP, and drove the collaborative strategy development for Queensland’s developing IT industry in the 1990s. Since 2015, he has attracted the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Growth Centre to Queensland and initiated the programs that have become the centre’s foundation: Clustering of customers, suppliers and researchers; scale-up accelerators for existing technology-intensive businesses, and customer-driven research methods that are demonstrating high commercialisation success rates.
M: +61 438 846 465