Connectivity is important to all of us. But it remains more important to some, than others.
Those who fall into the ‘some’ category do not, on the face of it, have much in common. It could be people who make money from live streaming, traders who rely on completely up-to-date information about stock values, or even healthcare professionals reliant on IoT-based equipment.
But where they do cross over, there is a vital need for low latency and reliable – yet sustainable – connectivity.
“The digital demand around the world is accelerating at an exceptional rate, and the end-user experience is demanding more and more across all of these data centers with the very best technologies and the very best joint partnerships that we put in place,” says Richard Dobbie, Data Center EMEA account manager at CommScope.
To meet these great expectations, CommScope has teamed up with Equinix, the digital giant specializing in connecting industry-leading organizations such as finance, manufacturing, retail, transportation, government, healthcare and education to support the seamless digital-first world we now demand.
“CommScope and Equinix are forward thinking. We’re striving forward to provide the best user experience. We work hand in hand to ensure that there is a turnkey solution with the very best cutting-edge technologies all around the world. This collaboration enables the seamless end-user experience.”
Equinix provides a bare metal server called Equinix Metal, which ensures a secure, global, integrated, on-demand infrastructure where and when it is needed. This, alongside CommScope’s Systimax fiber solutions, consisting of high-bandwidth fiber and factory pre-terminated connections, is set to revolutionize the world of connectivity.
“CommScope’s Ultra Low Loss solutions are utilized by customers where data is their core business. Working with clients all around the globe, it is more important than ever to ensure that their applications are the most efficient in the world, to be two steps ahead of their competition, and ensure their crucial networks are risk-averse,” says Richard Dobbie.
CommScope’s clients are deploying suites that are pushing the boundaries of what is physically possible to ensure they are world leaders in their space, and to achieve this, they utilize CommScope's world leading fiber solutions.
To create these solutions, CommScope’s industry experts work with industry standards bodies to progress and outline where the networks of the future will be growing, with sustainability in mind.
With end-users – and the planet – now expecting greener solutions, Commscope implements innovative technology alongside energy efficient designs, to build sustainable networks designed to preserve natural ecosystems. This, in tandem with Equinix’s commitment to scaling renewable energy purchasing to reach 100 percent, together CommScope and Equinix have the ESG initiatives in place to help create a better future.
But sustainable solutions can’t mean compromising on performance.
“With online communication rapidly advancing, our networks need to ensure that they have the capacity and ability to cater for stretching bandwidths. This explosive growth is not being driven by an increase in population/online users, but by the sheer number of online devices being connected to the cloud,” says Richard Dobbie.
“Machine-to-Machine communication supported by advancements in AI is what we are seeing drive this growth and advancements in bandwidth. In order to cope with this, CommScope has introduced its new CommScope ‘Propel’ solution which focuses on supporting 1.6Tbps+ fibre optic connections to enable the transaction of data, pushing the ceiling of where the future will be.”
As global leaders in connectivity, CommScope and Equinix are providing clients with solutions to support their current and future capabilities. Equinix Metal utilizes CommScope’s fiber optics to push boundaries and deliver exceptional support to scale up and scale down to the clients demands. Across all verticals from pharmaceutical to financial, the Equinix Metal solution, powered by CommScope, is paving the way for the future of sustainable, reliable, connectivity.
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