As fellow publishers we at DatacenterDynamics are sad to hear the news that GigaOm has ceased operations. GigaOm is a well regarded organization, and I have to admit that we have, to some extent, modelled many of the recent changes to our media and research businesses on its operation, including combining the brands under the same business unit, investing in a strong editorial team and launching a new web platform.
If you are in town, and at a loose end, what have you got to lose?
We are most well known for our DCD Converged (very global) event series targeted squarely at the major data center end-user/owner audience, from the enterprise, internet and service provider verticals. Although we do not directly compete with Gigaom there is always some cross-over in the tech space. Because of this perceived lack of competition, although not ideal, it was not a real issue that our events shared the same date in NYC next week. Moving from a one day to two format didn’t leave us much option with the hotel availability in any case.
Have a complimentary VIP pass
So we’ve got a great event, DCD Enterprise, on March 17 and 18th - that’s next Tuesday and Wednesday. Gigaom’s Structure Data event was scheduled for the March 18 and 19th. We share a few speakers, but overall our conference programs are quite different. But still, if you are booked to attend Structure, and believe you fit our audience profile, we would like to extend to you a complimentary VIP pass to the event on Wednesday March 18th. If you are in town and now at a loose end, what have you got to lose?
We are expecting well over 2000 attendees, so space is tight, and that means we can only accommodate the first 200 respondents. We only ask that you bring proof on the day that you were registered to attend the Gigaom event.