Vodafone Germany has rolled out its 5G Standalone (5G SA) network across the country.

According to the telco, its network covers 92 percent of Germany's population.

Vodafone Germany store
– Getty Images

In its announcement, Vodafone said it has equipped more than 16,000 base stations with its 5G SA technology, which it has called 5G+.

Prior to deploying the 5G SA network nationwide, Vodafone said that half of its 5G network used the LTE/4G core network, otherwise known as 5G Non Standalone.

5G SA is not reliant on older mobile generations and solely uses a 5G core network. The carrier switched on its first 5G SA sites back in 2021.

For its 5G SA network, Vodafone uses frequencies in the 700 MHz, 1.8GHz, and 3.5GHz ranges.

"We are switching 5G to 'real-time communication' today and bringing the fastest network to many millions more people across the country," said Vodafone Germany CEO Marcel de Groot.

"Our technicians have been preparing everything over the past few weeks. We can now activate the completely independent 5G+ technology at 10,000 additional mobile phone stations. 5G+ brings higher bandwidths, shorter response times, and connects up to ten times more sensors. For cell phone users, this increases the quality of online games and virtual worlds."

Vodafone said its 5G SA network will help enable use cases such as mobile gaming and augmented reality (AR).

The company launched its 5G SA network in the UK last year, becoming the first carrier in the country to do so.