DCD and Stockholm Data Parks have teamed up to host the global DCD>Energy Smart event in Stockholm on 13 March, where leaders from the international digital infrastructure community will come together with the energy utilities to discuss Europe’s energy infrastructure challenges.
“In recognition of Sweden’s dedication to renewable energy and digital services, we are delighted to have the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation open the event to underline Sweden’s ambitions and dedication to integrate energy efficient data centers as part of their national strategy to support smart cities and the digital economy in a sustainable way,” said George Rockett, CEO and co-founder of DatacenterDynamics.
“As the markets for IoT, smart cities and cloud and connected vehicles are developing, it is vital for governments to recognise the importance of data centers and the role they play in future energy networks where green energy is crucial. The Swedish government have continuously supported the digital industry, and Sweden has now a growing international data center industry successfully integrating into the regional ecosystems, benefitting from and contributing to the sustainable energy production,” says Tomas Sokolnicki, Head of Data Centers by Sweden.The State Secretary will address the international audience of data center and cloud infrastructure specialists and energy utilities, outlining how Sweden is incorporating data centers as part of their national digital economy strategy.
“We are very pleased that Niklas Johansson, the State Secretary to the Minister for Enterprise and Innovation will officially welcome the participants to the conference in Stockholm,” adds Sokolnicki.
From the reuse of heat to best practices in operational efficiencies, the event will tackle emerging energy efficiency measures inside and outside of the data center, and will feature industry leaders from IBM, Stockholm Exergi (former Fortum Värme), NTT, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, OX Wind, City of Stockholm, DigiPlex, Hydro66, e-Shelter, The Green Grid, Interxion, the European Commission, Baidu, Statkraft, GreenIT Amsterdam, Uptime Institute, Aligned Energy, Baselayer and many more international digital infrastructure professionals.