A Raleigh, N.C., based "managed-only" data center and software-as-a-service provider rmsource announced that a new data center will be coming online by the end of this year.
The company's new facility will be located in Durham, N.C., and is scheduled to open in the fourth quarter of 2009.
The data center will be used "to extend our private cloud," rmsource Chief Marketing Officer Marc Crawford said. The facility will also be used for "everything from continuation of our SaaS model (to) unified messaging and voice over IP services, along with allowing enterprise to house their internal applications there.
The Tier 3 facility will allow the firm to provide dedicated core computing resources to its customers instead of shared resources. The hurricane-rated data center will feature redundant power, cooling and connectivity. It will focus on "affordable, secure and highly managed cloud services providing enterprise caliber IT capabilities for the small and medium businesses," according to a company.
Crawford could not provide the amount of raised-floor area or power availability in the future facility on Monday.
The data center will be housed in a former telecommunications facility, which the firm is currently working on retrofitting. The firm's strategic infrastructure partners in the project are HP, NetApp, Cisco and Vmware.
Durham is one of three cities that house North Carolina's Research Triangle Park , home to more than 170 organizations oriented toward research and development. Crawford said the area was a rich engineering talent resource for the company. Other two corners of the Triangle Park are Raleigh and Chapel Hill. "This is kind of the East Coast answer to Silicon Valley."
The company's new facility will be located in Durham, N.C., and is scheduled to open in the fourth quarter of 2009.
The data center will be used "to extend our private cloud," rmsource Chief Marketing Officer Marc Crawford said. The facility will also be used for "everything from continuation of our SaaS model (to) unified messaging and voice over IP services, along with allowing enterprise to house their internal applications there.
The Tier 3 facility will allow the firm to provide dedicated core computing resources to its customers instead of shared resources. The hurricane-rated data center will feature redundant power, cooling and connectivity. It will focus on "affordable, secure and highly managed cloud services providing enterprise caliber IT capabilities for the small and medium businesses," according to a company.
Crawford could not provide the amount of raised-floor area or power availability in the future facility on Monday.
The data center will be housed in a former telecommunications facility, which the firm is currently working on retrofitting. The firm's strategic infrastructure partners in the project are HP, NetApp, Cisco and Vmware.
Durham is one of three cities that house North Carolina's Research Triangle Park , home to more than 170 organizations oriented toward research and development. Crawford said the area was a rich engineering talent resource for the company. Other two corners of the Triangle Park are Raleigh and Chapel Hill. "This is kind of the East Coast answer to Silicon Valley."