Latin American hosting firm G2K is planning on building a new data center in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

g2k argentina
G2K's existing data center outside Buenos Aires – Google Maps

The 3,000 sqm (32,290 sq ft), 10MW facility is scheduled to launch in 2025. The company will initially be investing $20 million in the project.

“Next year there will be a boom in this type of service,” Mauro Ferraro, G2K’s corporate commercial manager, told BNamericas. “[With this data center] we're anticipating the demand that will come in the coming years.”

G2K is now looking to find an anchor client to begin construction next year.

“We already have the site where it will be built and we have the energy available. Now we just need to define some details of the final project and with that we will be in a position to offer it to customers,” Ferraro said.

“The idea is to create a modular and scalable data center, in such a way that it allows us to grow quickly in response to the demand of a future client."

G2K was launched as a web hosting company and later incorporated cloud services. It has a small data center in San Nicolás, Buenos Aires province, which was opened in 2013.

According to Data Center Map, Argentina has some 30 data centers, with the majority sat within Buenos Aires. Other operators in the market include EdgeConneX, Claro, Cirion, and Telecom Argentina.

A version of this story appeared on our Spanish edition.