Canara offers predictive analysis on the performance of a facility’s backup batteries, so customers can spot and mitigate ptential risks to UPS and backup power systems. A new service extends that to smaller users.
Canara Critical Facilities Services extends this to the world of data center facilities management services, offering enterprise level services specifically to the small to medium business (SMB) market.
Consulting to turnkey
The new service is available in forms ranging from short-term consulting services to complete turnkey solutions, where Canara can fully staff and manage critical data center infrastructures. Using a predictive approach to operations Canara does a deep analysis of data collect in monitoring operations in the facility. The framework is scalable, suitable for drilling down to solve specific problems or taking a broader approach to managing infrastructure.
Canara’s computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a cloud-based asset management service that integrates with predictive analysis to keep systems and applications up and running. The Canara services are almost all available as standalone systems, but integration of applications and services brings the greatest value, says Canara.
Under the CFS umbrella Canara offers:
- Site and skills assessments
- Operational improvement programs
- Asset management and CMMS tools
- Documentation support services
- Training & certification
- Infrastructure project management
- 24x7 remote monitoring
Customers are able to pick and choose from the list of available services, and, if desired, transition from point service solutions to complete turnkey operations.