Brisanet has started selling 5G mobile services in Northeastern Brazil.

According to Comms Update, the Brazilian ISP began selling the services earlier this week.

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Sales of the 5G services have started in Pereiro (Ceará) and Sao Miguel (Rio Grande do Norte), but 2.3GHz connectivity is available in twelve cities, with around 400,000 people covered.

The company expects to offer coverage to five million people in 40 municipalities by December.

Brisanet initially planned to launch its 5G service by the end of last year but delayed the launch, noting in November that it's building its network from scratch, as opposed to working with other tower companies.

Chinese vendor Huawei will provide equipment to support the network rollout, after the Caerá-based company acquired a number of spectrum licenses in 2021, including 80MHz 3.5GHz licenses covering the Northeast and Midwest, plus a 50MHz block of 2.3GHz spectrum covering the Northeast.