Against the backdrop of an industry being reshaped by the extraordinary capacity demands from the hyperscale cloud sector, DCD>Colo+Cloud on October 29-30th pulls together the most senior decision makers from the world of colocation, cloud and telco data centers to discuss how the next generation of Infrastructure-as a-service will be designed, built and interconnected.
The DCD>Edge pre-conference agenda will kick-off with a discussion between Aaron Hinkle of Sprint and the trailblazing CEO of Vapor IO, Cole Crawford, who will be sharing their insights on the evolution of micro data centers at cell towers and how edge compute will affect planning for the use of central offices.
"Tower-connected data centers will become a powerful accelerant as wireless operators upgrade to 5G and look to deliver edge services," says Cole Crawford. "Just as operators enjoy the economics of shared infrastructure on the tower, they will also share capacity in multi-tenant data centers at the edge, which is the new frontier in colocation."
Ihab Tarazi, CTO at Packet (formerly with Equinix), will open the main conference with a keynote on 5G and its transformational impact on data center architectures.
“Smart devices, wearables, IoT, smart city initiatives, autonomous cars, and more are all either made possible, or greatly enhanced over 5G,” says Tarazi. “We’re all interested in where mobile network hyperspeeds and slashing latencies will take the industry and what this will mean for data center operators and end-users.”
This year’s conference program will also provide insight from the senior executives of Iomart, Switch, Digital Realty, Cyrus One, Aligned Energy, Compass, Cyxtera, QTS, Carrier-1 and many more.
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