DCD>Debate: Will increased regulatory scrutiny mark the end of greenwashing?
The data center industry is no stranger to accusations of “greenwashing”. With the adoption of RECs and PPAs a fair amount of scepticism has been met as to how much the industry is really “giving back” to local communities and making a real difference to the climate crisis faced. But with the introduction of new regulations and requirements, including the imminent implications of the European Energy Efficiency Directive, could this increased scrutiny be the driver the industry needs to tackle its greenwashing reputation and take meaningful action in the net zero battle?
In this debate we will challenge what is actually meant by greenwashing and what needs to be done to tackle this ongoing issue. Experts will discuss what lies ahead in terms of regulatory demands, the importance of thinking holistically, and how metrics need to change to support the industry’s progress in achieving long term sustainability goals.
Held under Chatham House Rule, DCD>Debates are open discussions led by a panel of experts, on the biggest issues to face the industry.