Stream Now: DCD>Broadcast - Maximizing telco potential: Carrier neutral insights

Ranked among the world’s top 30 contractors, L&T Construction contributes significantly to building the image and stature of Larsen & Toubro across the world and driving L&T’s reputation as ‘the builder of the India of the 21st century’.

Many landmark projects in India – and increasingly overseas – bear L&T Construction’s indelible stamp of excellence; reflecting a track record spanning over seven decades.

The multiple businesses of L&T Construction have distinct but complementary capabilities, addressing different segments of infrastructure and industry.

L&T Construction executes projects on a turnkey basis, with single-source responsibility, adopting innovative design engineering and a global supply chain. Mechanisation and the ability to mobilise large, highly-trained crews, enable it to meet stringent deadlines and rigorous standards.

At every project site and establishment of L&T Construction, the highest priority is accorded to the environment, health and safety. A safe work culture is intensively propagated to conform to – and even surpass – international standards.