Register for DCD>Sydney now!
- Enterprise & Hyperscale FREE Just 400 Passes Available!
- Service Provider FREE Just 250 Passes Available!
- AEC/Advisory FREE Just 250 Passes Available!
- Technology Vendor $1,999
You qualify for a free enterprise pass if:
1) Your company is an enterprise with data-center needs or energy network TSO/DSO driving smart energy infrastructure
2) You, as an individual, are directly engaged, as a management or technical professional in planning, strategy, systems design, sourcing, purchasing, procurement, adoption, implementation, integration
and operations of an IT organization, data center or cloud services.
You qualify for a free service provider pass if:
1) Your company is an owner/operator of: a) Private, on‐premise data center b) Multi‐tenant co-location data center c) Internet host, telecom provider, carrier hotel d) Cloud IaaS/PaaS
2) You, as an individual, are directly engaged, as a management or technical professional in planning, strategy, systems design, sourcing, purchasing, procurement, adoption, implementation, integration
and operations of data center or cloud services.
Individuals with business development/marketing/sales titles or job responsibilities representing vendors and industry supplier/service provider firms do not qualify for a free service provider pass, and should apply for a VENDOR pass.
Apply for a PassYou qualify for a free advisory pass if:
1) Your company is a technical consultancy (architect, engineering, building/design / system integration) not a professional services firm.
2) Your firm is NOT engaged in, and does not earn revenues directly from, the selling or reselling of any products as a dealer, distributor or value-adder. You must not be engaged in sales/business development activity.
Apply for a PassVENDOR PASS
You need to purchase a vendor pass if your organisation provides technology, products or services to the data center sector and you, as an individual work in a senior management, marketing or business development role.
Apply for a PassConnecting you to the right people in the right environment:
Networking is always core to every event experience. Your time is valuable and making sure that you meet the right people is vital. As such, we have developed curated meeting features at our events that include speed networking, private functions and 1-2-1 meetings.
Of course, we take your data privacy very seriously and your opt-in for DCD is especially important. Based on your event profile and interest areas, we may, in the build up to the event, make carefully selected introductions to make your onsite experience as productive as possible.
Your pass gives you access to:
- Unrivaled learning opportunities with access to all keynotes & conference sessions
- Uncover new technologies with full-access to the exhibition area
- Build new connections with 9+ hours of built-in networking time & our unique concierge service
- Access exclusive sessions tailored to your needs with invitations to roundtables, 1-2-1 meetings and private functions based on your key areas of interest