OREO to ESCO: Innovation in legacy data center energy strategy – Virgin Media case study
This session took place on November 6, 2019
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Virgin Media is on the final phase of a 4 year award winning energy efficiency project that has seen nearly 200 ’sub-scale’ legacy telco sites across the UK receive free air cooling upgrades and improved monitoring and controls leading to a 20% improvement in PuEs - Project OREO.
But what next? Energy markets are in the middle of revolutionary change, Telco industry budgets are tightening and RoI expectations increasing - the perfect storm with no obvious solutions.
Jason Simpson, leading energy strategy at Virgin Media’s parent company, Liberty Global, and Stewart Grierson, CEO of VM’s key strategic partner in energy infrastructure, Upnorth Group, will have a robust and at times uncomfortable debate about unrealistic expectations, untested technologies, unclear policy and regulation, aggressive sustainability commitments and the art of the possible.
Audience participation will be expected!!!