Case study: Can solar-powered batteries supercharge storage innovation and give rise to power independent of the grid?
This session took place on July 22, 2020
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Case study: Can solar-powered batteries supercharge storage innovation and give rise to power independent of the grid?
The concept of site-wide critical and continuous power has been viable for some time. Recently, three aspects intersected to provide an opportunity to provide continuous power for large data center sites. The aspects include the large-scale manufacturing of critical power and energy storage infrastructure culminating in 20 MW+ continuous energy systems deployed in a multi-tiered electrical design where the cost of energy may be decoupled from traditional utility, stored energy and continuous power solutions.
There are also grid-level dynamics relating to power continuity or availability that cloud a project’s electrical and overall viability. These constraints may challenge the ability to expand an existing site’s building or compute infrastructure and may contain its ability to expand or even the viability of a new site altogether.
Bill will outline whether these giant solar-powered batteries may be a superior execution option for your new or existing site.
- Speakers
- Bill Mazzetti , Rosendin Electric