Keep up with the colocation demand with cooling control strategies from Vertiv.
In an effort to build data centers more quickly to keep up with growing demand while controlling costs, the industry is increasingly moving away from what once was a staple in large data centers: raised floors. While the elimination of raised floors does simplify data center construction, it brings with it challenges in terms of cooling.
Raised floors serve a practical purpose in cooling by creating a uniform space that allows for a constant level of air pressure. Without that welldefined space, it becomes more difficult to measure pressure differential, which is important to determine where and when you need additional cooling capacity. But the benefits of eliminating raised floors are too great to ignore, prompting the need for a fresh approach to cooling design in a non-raised floor data center environment.
This paper describes such an approach, based on a methodology for primarily measuring temperature, not static pressure, to achieve accurate, efficient data center cooling.