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The Critical Power Channel

Panel: Power as a service versus onsite power generation: A benefits analysis

This broadcast will be streaming live at 11am ET on the 15th of March.

Traditionally data centers have relied on utilities companies to provide them with power, but due to increasing grid instability and soaring costs, many operations are developing onsite power generation to ensure a reliable energy supply. However, despite the rise of microgrids, many facilities still believe power as a service is the best method of procuring energy, but what exactly is the rationale behind this, and what are the tangible benefits for purchasing power instead of generating your own?

During this panel expert speakers will provide a comparative analysis of procured versus produced power. In particular they will argue why relying on utility companies takes the pressure off data centers, and how handing SLAs over to energy providers mitigates the need for individual agreements, thus allowing the aggregation of energy on the grid, leading to cost and emission savings. However the industry is also seeing huge investment into onsite power generation, as businesses want to ensure a reliable energy supply and position their operations for grid participation in order to generate additional revenue. But which method of powering a data center is going to be favored in the years to come?