Panel: What will shape ASEAN’s younger data center markets over the next 10 years?
This session took place on July 2, 2020
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Panel: What will shape ASEAN's younger data center markets over the next 10 years?
In an increasingly digital-ruled society where e-commerce is becoming king, netizen numbers are in the hundreds of millions, and mobile devices in the billions, there is a burden placed on the data center industry to design, build, and operate evermore complex mission-critical infrastructure. How are the region's developing markets such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand rising to this challenge?
Tune in as our panellists explore whether data sovereignty and recent e-commerce legislation have encouraged enough quality data centers to accommodate capacity demand, what the impact of 5G and fiber connectivity will be on expansion, and how the data center ecosystem can prepare for this. How will all of this shape the road-map to 2025 and beyond in some of the world’s fastest growing markets?