Guido Acchioni
Policy Officer - Investments in High-Capacity Networks, Directorate General for Communications Netwo, European CommissionGuido worked in IBM UK just before joining the EC DGIII (Industry) in 1994.
At the end of 1997 moved to work for the joint DGIIII-DGXIII entity called ISAC "Information Society Activity Centre" where he was responsible for handling of the Information Society Forum of 150 Member State experts.
From 2001 to 2003 he worked in DGINFSO directorate B within a unit that dealt with the "Regional and International aspects of ICT".
From 2004 to 2012 he worked in DGINFSO C1 Digital Agenda unit dealing specifically with ICT and broadband policy aspects of Cohesion and Rural development including the programming of the European Economic Recovery Package (EERP).
As from July 2012 to date he works in the Broadband Unit of directorate CONNECT/B, recently renamed as "Investment in High Capacity Networks". There he deals with rather sexy issues, such as: mapping of broadband services, the annual broadband awards, the management of the Broadband Competence Offices initiative (jointly with DGAGRI, DGREGIO and DGCOMP). He is also fully engaged in following the implementation of EU investments in broadband and specifically the business and investment modelling and regulatory aspects of publicly funded projects.