DCD>Indonesia, April 6 at The Ritz Carlton saw the convening of key decision makers and thought leaders from government, financial institutions, e-commerce, manufacturing and other sectors, to consider how the digital landscape can develop further in Indonesia as well as across the APAC region.
“In a data driven era, the need for such a platform as DCD, that gives the industry an opportunity to showcase the latest innovations and share best practices is critical. This is especially true for a rapidly evolving market such as Indonesia as we strive to grow as a digital economy”, commented Muhammad Neil El Himam, Director for ICT Infrastructure of Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BEKRAF), who opened the conference with an address on how Indonesia’s open government data will help drive a digitally smart economy.
Across 2 conference halls and 4 thematic tracks, the day delivered insights and practical strategies that the market could apply to achieve excellence in various areas of the data center space. Top local and international speakers such as Leo Chen of Alibaba, John Duffin of Uptime Institute, Dwi Kurniawan of Indonesia Financial Services Authority and Gunawan Santoso of KARTUKU, dealt with key issues of “IT Transformation and Hybrid Architecture” including data center site selection, building a hybrid cloud strategy and data center standards.
“We witnessed the coming together of many stakeholders of this industry today at our NTT Communications and Telkomsigma Data Center Tours, the conference & expo as well as our networking drinks. It’s great to see how engaged everyone is at DCD>Indonesia, together with the support of our headline sponsor, NTT Communications Indonesia and other key industry players in pushing this industry forward,” commented Vincent Liew, Managing Director – APAC, DCD.
The SE Asia Datacenter Week and Datacenter Awards
Looking forward, DCD will be bringing conferences to the rest of the APAC community with DCD>Australia on June 27, looking at the current issue of Optimising Hybrid IT. This will culminate in Singapore with a week-long series of workshops, data center tours and the DCD>Zettastructure Conference & Expo building into SE Asia Datacenter Week (15 – 21 September). This has been described as “The South East Asian Digital Infrastructure Summit” and it will convene the whole APAC IT ecosystem in this era of Big Data and innovation.”
The Datacenter Week will also mark the start of the release of results for the Datacenter Awards, with the finalists being announced in Singapore, and the winners in Hong Kong on November 10. What’s new - DCD will be launching Voted categories to involve the public in the nomination and selection process. To find out more about the categories and how you can be involved, visit: bit.ly/datacenterweekawards.
Qualified end-users can apply for complimentary registration
DCD has moved to a ‘free-to-attend, by invitation’ event model for qualified end-user business executives, managers and technical professionals directly engaged with IT, data center and cloud infrastructure. If your company operates its own on/off premise data center(s), or if you are a significant end-user of data center and cloud services and you are involved in technology planning, procurement, implementation, and operations, then you may qualify.
New to DCD: A complimentary Professional Advisor Passes is also available to one engineering/technical professional with management title/responsibility from each A/E consultancy/advisory firm (subject to criteria).