NTT and Space Compass invest $100m into Airbus HAPS unit
Airbus to remain Aalto's majority shareholder
Airbus to remain Aalto's majority shareholder
Companies put antenna on Cessna plane
Trial over Rwanda enables Zoom call
High altitude drone enables 5G video call between Rwanda and Japan
Another HAPS player gets closer to deployment
Data collected from sub-scale flight in Arizona to be used in development of full scale unit
Another platform looking to offer high altitude connectivity
Telco promised to continue high-altitude R&D
High-altitude drone will be able to provide 4G and 5G communications
Agency aiming to fund drone, HAPS, and/or HALE projects
New telco signs deal for new high-altitude technology
Will see Aalto’s Zephyr HAPS take flight again in 2023
Company to demonstrate ‘reduced-scale’ high altitude Stratobus airship for communications and reconnaissance
Telco to deploy HAPS platforms to close connectivity gaps
Says Airbus HAPS venture ‘Aalto’ name is too similar to its own
Follows recent partnership with BT in the UK
Plane manufacturer will provide aircraft as a test platform
Companies harnessing high-altitude pseudo satellites to extend 5G coverage
It's time Zephyr spread its wings and took flight
It expands the firm's footprint in Europe
High altitude balloon-based Project Loon lives on in spirit
Defense company's Zephyr HAPS platform meets inglorious end
Company to offer telecoms services via Zephyr platform
Telco works with Altaeros to test blimp-based connectivity
Real estate firm buddies up with Japanese telco for high altitude cell tower project
Company tests HAPS mast from plane, connects to phones on the ground
Companies to explore HAPS business case in non-terrestrial networks
Company acquires 200 patents from now-defunct balloon project