DCD Magazine out now: This mag will last 10,000 years
An exclusive profile of Microsoft's Project Silica
An exclusive profile of Microsoft's Project Silica
Transformer station is being built to power TikTok data center
Could be first European country to introduce national data center register
Will be in two of Green Mountain's Norwegian data centers
A public listing would raise cash to fund the provider's international expansion plans
Company building out six data halls and 14MW in existing building
Two more on the way as part of Project Clover
Half of facility leased to international technology company
First 18MW building due live Q1 2025; to be river cooled with no generators
First building due in 12 months by large tech client
But more stringent data center rules on the horizon
Company expanding OSL1-Enebakk with fourth building
Partnering with a local energy firm for a three-building, river-cooled campus
Makes unsubstantiated and absurd suggestions about TikTok intentionally trying to impact Ukraine war
Making the bytes dance
Replacing Tor Kristian Gylan
Its first multitenant colo on the site
Green Mountain will help achieve this target
Company adding two-story 20MW building to site in Norway
Parent company buys the last of Infinity SDC Ltd
Build-to-suit campus gets another data center
Company building multi-tenant facility, due online November 2022
Company adds second building for ‘large international cloud provider’
Israel real estate firm buys Norwegian company, having previously acquired 20 percent stake in Compass
Company warming trout waters after announcing it was piping warm water to a nearby lobster farm
Company buys 50,000 sq m at port business park on the west coast of Norway
5MW of Liebert cooling and lithium-ion UPS units go into the underground facility previously known as a Schneider customer
This is the third online Green Mountain hub in Norway