UK ISP Spring Fibre set for administration after investors back out
Debts have risen to around £11m
Debts have risen to around £11m
CEO Price blames "legacy issues" and "large loss-making contracts" from 2018-2020 - including data centers
Company looks to sell assets
Subscription revenues dip across the business
Lumine Group agrees to snap up 5G Core and RAN assets, while Vecima Networks is poised to get cable business
The company will go private after reaching a restructuring deal
Company worked on data center projects across Europe
Buyer should be confirmed by September
Find a buyer or file Chapter 11 and transfer ownership, lenders decree
Company says filing will allow it to restructure to a 'standalone cloud business'
Another victim of the crypto winter
Another cryptofirm staring at the abyss
Company won't pay debts in October & November, could run out of cash by year-end
The Bitcoin miner had invested heavily in the bankrupt data center provider
FEL wants paying for work it did for fiber company, CityFibre says results were so bad containers had to be scrapped
Company goes under after “protracted negotiations” over a key contract
Price between £11m and £22m, alongside £4.2m for the consulting business
Company says Cumulus nuclear data center project unaffected by 'restructuring'
After UK division enters administration
Slow adoption and Covid-19 supply chain issues impacting company
Company will file for pre-packaged chapter 11 bankruptcy after it sells infrastructure business to I Squared
Somehow, this bankruptcy is being seen as a good thing
The company's creditors will now take over the business
As it tries to deal with $1.3bn in debt
The management is attempting to save the business with $1 billion from Citigroup
A year after the company went public on Nasdaq
Flash array vendor lives to fight another day