309 Days
Marriott Marquis, Times Square

Connect with 2,000+ industry peers from across the East Coast's data center ecosystem, with best-in-class technology discovery and unparalleled networking opportunities, helping you to design, plan, build and operate next-generation data centers.

2024 Speakers included:

See all previous speakers

Previous attendees included:

  • "A first class event, DCD>Connect | New York presented a wide variety of perspectives and technologies in an engaging and informative forum."

    Bryan Pansing, AWS
  • "DCD>Connect | New York was the right place to stay on top of the industry challenges, and collaborate with others to overcome those challenges."

    Adel Elkheshen, JP Morgan Chase
  • "I attended DCD>Connect | New York every year and I encourage my colleagues to as well. I get more done in two days at this show than I can with six months worth of phone calls and online meetings."

    Frank McCann, Verizon