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The virtual conference for the ASEAN data center industry

Keynote: Industry report - post-pandemic data centers

This session took place on September 16, 2020

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Day 2, 1 00pm Updated.pptx.jpg

Keynote: Industry report - post-pandemic data centers

The first pandemic to hit the globe in over ten decades emerged in Q1, 2020, changing the landscape for physical interaction and dispersing workplaces to far-flung homes rather than centralized hubs of productivity. In the world of critical infrastructure, technicians, engineers and operational professionals became official ‘essential workers’ tasked with maintaining the continuous availability in spite of ‘stay in place’ orders issued across the world.

This talk will preview Uptime Institute's latest report containing learnings and recommendations on the operator’s response to the pandemic, based on feedback and comments from UI members, clients and consultants, and what the post-pandemic data center will ultimately look like. What will be the long-lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digital critical infrastructure industry? How, if at all, will the COVID-19 pandemic change the way data centers are built and operated?

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Uptime Institute